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Keep Our Culture

Firstly, i wanna say thank to my all beloved friends who has given me a wonderful moment that i never forget. Do you wanna know what was the moment i had? Yeah let's get to look at the picture below:
Do you see me on the picture above? Yeah i am the one that use a heat, two others are my close friend. We went to the mountain last weeks to do what we miss as long live in a global era. I mean by the globalization, there's something that we must know how it's dangerous the globalization that came from western. 

I myself always remember the word that said by philosopher known as baudrilard. He said that the globalization has something like a bomb, like a time boom, it has implosion. Implosion is something that will make everything in the world same (plural).

That is why in the second sentence i said that we miss something in a village, in a locality. It's also shown that i am afraid to lost of our culture that has different view than western. When the globalization era has more grow rapidly, it means that more our next generation will be living in a digital native.

Some people have their answer to perceive this statement. There is a people that considered it as an advance, the other side said that it decreased. How we can say it an advance if we don't know how to conserve our locality as well?

Of because that problem, i invite you to more love our culture than other. We have a great civilization, we have a lot of culture, but why do we have to follow any strength culture? Why do we have to dance like a girl band, boyband that to jaipong dance, reog dance? The answer is in you :)


I was on the wide mountain, a big mountain in my hometown. I can look all around Bandung, some of Sumedang city. Thank to God for still gimme a time to think how bigger your Majesty.

Unfortunately we come at the right time, so we can join to the society that lived in Palintang and help them to crop a potato. So let's see the picture below:

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